Sunday, 4 February 2024

Strangeness in Leeds

 Strangeness in Leeds


Mick Mclaren

Following on from one of my blogs, (Padfoot in Leeds) at the bottom of the article there is an account by another member of the British Bigfoot research team Deborah Singleton, which she wrote in her own words. After putting this at the end of my article I thought It would be interesting to meet and talk to Deborah, so I got in touch.

I sent Deborah a message and explained who I was and how I came across her account of the sighting she had written about, and out of this we decided on a day to meet and chat and go and visit some of the places mentioned.

The first time we met Deborah she was waiting on a bench in the car park for me and Carolan (my partner) to arrive. I got out of the car to help push, with a couple of others, a car that had broken down whilst my partner found a parking spot. It was such a sunny and warm day, the place we had chosen to meet was quite busy.

We sat and chatted on the bench for a little before moving on to one of the places of interest. I spoke of my interest in ley lines and finding connections with cryptid creatures and paranormal happenings and even spoke of the UFO phenomenon, we both chatted about our experiences in mediumship, and one experience which made her feel uncomfortable. Deborah was in a class doing medium development, in meditating she felt like she was overlooking the circle and it made her feel uncomfortable. Her teacher at the time noticed this and asked her if she wanted to sit somewhere else within the circle which she did, only to feel a presence enter into her after moving a second time into another chair.

We then spoke about the encounter where Deborah was returning home from a trip to a friend’s, when

she was not far from home she saw a very tall, shaggy, Brown or black covered shape that stepped out onto the road when she had looked behind her through the rear view mirror. Terrified at the time she drove past it without looking in its direction because she felt that she might die if she did.

After our chat and sit down we then decided to move on to one of the places we had been talking about, which was not far from our location.

This place we headed to was on a lane next to a crematorium in Rawdon, which at one time was a temple belonging to the Order of the Golden Dawn. The hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn(Latin:  ordo hermeticus aureae; or, more commonly, the Golden Dawn (Aurora Aurea)) was a secret society devoted to the study and practice of the occult, metaphysics and paranormal activities during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In 1898 Alistair Crowley joined the Order where he was trained in ceremonial magic. From my research I have not come across any connection with Alistair Crowley

        Aiwass     Alistair Crowley
ever visiting this lodge in Leeds, but my research is still ongoing. I do know that in 1904 in Cairo, Egypt Crowley claimed to have channelled information  from a supernatural entity named Aiwass, who provided him with The Book of the Law, a sacred text that served as a basis for his religion Thelema. Announcing the start of the aeon of Horus, the book declared that its followers should “Do what thou wilt” and seek to align themselves with their true will through the practice of magick. Also, it is said that when Crowley bought Boleskin House on the shores of Loch Ness he commenced in performing a ritual to summon demons. So, with the summoning of demons and the ideas of Crowley, who knows what was going on in the lodge in Rawdon at the time the Order of the Golden Dawn worshiped there. Perhaps they summoned entities themselves that are sometimes spotted in this area of Leeds like the one Debbie saw not far from the lodge.

We pulled up at the other side of the road from the crematorium, as we walked down the lane toward the lodge, we seemed to hit a pocket of energy that made us feel almost dizzy and we all had the same feeling of our ears popping like when your at a high altitude. We walked past a small house that made Deborah comment on how creepy it was, and she wound not like to live there. We pass the entrance and came to the gate of the lodge which has now fallen into the hands of another religious group called The White Eagle Lodge, which received its teachings through channelling from White Eagle to Grace Cooke who was a medium.

Grace Cooke

 The White Eagle Lodge teaches:

That God, the Eternal Spirit, is both Father and Mother.

That the Son, the Cosmic Christ, is also the Light which shines in the human heart. By reason of this divine Sonship, all are brothers and sisters in spirit, a brother/sisterhood which embraces all life visible and invisible.

The expression of these principles in daily life, through service.

The awareness of the invisible world, which bridges separation and death and reveals the eternal unity of life.

That life is governed by five cosmic laws: Reincarnation, Cause and Effect, Opportunity, Correspondences, Compensation (Equilibrium and Balance).

That the ultimate goal of humankind is that the inner light should become so strong and radiant that even the cells of the physical body are transmuted into finer substances which can overcome mortality. This is known as the Christing of the human being, or, in the words of the ancient Brotherhood, the blooming of the Rose upon the Cross of matter.


When you look at the words in the teachings of number 6. in the words of the ancient Brotherhood, and the blooming of the Rose upon the Cross of matter.

We then start getting info on freemasonry and connections to the Order of the Golden Dawn which brings me to conclude, same group different name.

Here is a link to the White Eagle lodge website, you can make your own mind up.


White Eagle Lodge

We looked around the grounds of the lodge peering through the windows not noticing anything out of the ordinary only the feeling of oppressed energies. After closing the gate, we stepped out and carried on walking down the lane. There is a wall on the left as you walk down with a wooded area which seems to give off a sense of drawing you to look over, we did look over the wall as we walked until we reached another lodge which was someone’s home. As we stopped to look around the path, we all smelt what was a strong musty smell coming from around the wall opposite the lodge but did not find the source. We walked further until we reached the bottom of the lane where Deborah mentioned there used to be a mill where now stands a new housing estate, at this point we started to talk about another experiences Deborah had, she recalled that she was out with her husband on the motorbike around Selby when she looked through a break in the hedge and saw an Orangutan coloured animal crouched down scooping up water in its hands, she said the thing was as big as a bull and was not a farm animal plus its hair was too orange and long to be anything she recognized.

flattened wild garlick

We then headed back up the lane, to our right we saw a couple of posts that used to be a gate and had an urge to enter and walk the path, at that point we rested in that area to see if we could pick up on any of the strange energies that seemed to be emitting in this area. Carrying on back we walked up to the White Eagle Lodge where I headed back to take some photos in and around the building, as I shut the gate behind me on the way out both Deborah and Carolan were looking over the wall down onto a clearing were there was a lot of wild garlic that had been flatten as if by cattle lying down on it,

 but I know that the field in question is not a cattle field. Carrying on up the lane we could hear noises coming from the wooded area on our right, but when we looked, we could not see anything within the trees. After five minutes we moved on to the cemetery at the top of the lane for a peaceful rest before heading back to our homes.



Strangeness in Leeds

  Strangeness in Leeds By Mick Mclaren Following on from one of my blogs, ( Padfoot in Leeds ) at the bottom of the article there is an acco...

Adel Woods